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Portofino, Italy. Photo by Charles F. Stanley.
Daily Devotion

A Guidebook for Life

Are you seeking—and sharing—wisdom from the Lord?

April 13, 2024

1 Kings 2:1-9

Suppose the wisest person you know left you with a manual for living—what words of wisdom do you think it would contain? The pages would probably be crammed with encouragement, advice for challenges, and instructions for moments when you don’t know what to do. The manual would likely be very personal and unique to the life its author lived, not a bland book filled with vague platitudes. And you’d probably cling closely to its words. 

That’s similar to what King David did for his son. Nearing death, David encouraged Solomon to obey God, and he also left instructions concerning his enemies and allies. Solomon listened to his father and thereby secured his kingdom. Though Israel’s second king wasn’t perfect, he loved the Lord and was humble enough to ask for help in leading His people (1 Kings 3:3; 1 Kings 3:9).

We, too, can make good use of people’s hard-won advice. More importantly, however, God’s Word provides dependable guidance through its statutes, commandments, ordinances, and testimonies. Now and then we’ll undoubtedly find ourselves in weighty situations where the next step is unclear. Whenever that happens, we cherish the wisdom we’ve gleaned from others. But even more valuable is time spent with the Lord, seeking His will and direction.

Bible in One Year: 1 Kings 1-2

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