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Photo by Charles F. Stanley.
Daily Devotion

God Uses the Wicked

Nothing—not even the most powerful wicked leader or nation—can deter God from accomplishing His good plans.

July 24, 2021

Genesis 50:15-21

At times ungodly people appear to triumph over the righteous, and it makes us scratch our heads, wondering why the Lord doesn’t intervene. But the truth is, He often uses the wicked to accomplish His purpose.

Joseph faced one hard-hearted individual after another during his life. His brothers sold him into slavery and had him shipped off to Egypt (Gen. 37:25-28). His master’s wife accused him of an unspeakable crime (Gen. 39:7-18). And even those he helped, like Pharaoh’s cupbearer, forgot about him (Gen. 40:23). But once the story of Joseph’s life was written in full, it was clear that everyone who harmed or neglected the young man contributed to God’s plan. The Lord used all the trials in bringing Joseph to power at the right moment to spare his family—who were the Messiah’s ancestors—from the effects of famine.

In our own life, we can see God’s actions only from the limited vantage point of our humanness. Often the Lord’s goals and purposes are hidden from us until His plans come to fruition. We may wonder at the turns our life takes, but we can be certain God is sovereign over all the earth. The wicked may triumph for a season, but the final victory belongs to Christ and His righteous followers.

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