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Lytingsstadir, Iceland. Photo by Charles F. Stanley.
Daily Devotion

Our Strength and Shield

God will provide all you need for living peacefully in the chaos life can produce.

April 11, 2024

2 Samuel 22:3-7

Life can certainly throw punches, can’t it? Relationships, finances, work pressures, and loneliness—just to name a few—sometimes leave us feeling too weak to keep going. Even if our beliefs are deeply anchored in Christ, all the chaos of life can seem overwhelming. But just like a conductor whose raised arms quiet a stage full of musicians, God calms the raging storm and causes the winds to be still. He remains steady in the storm—our peace amidst the noise.

Are you walking difficult paths and feeling the need for clarity? Do you long for a firm shield as you face harsh words or hurtful memories? What situations are you in that require a protector to fight on your behalf? Take heart, friend. God promises that we will never have to face anything alone. On the contrary, Scripture says, “The Lord is the one who is going ahead of you; He will be with you. He will not desert you or abandon you. Do not fear and do not be dismayed” (Deut. 31:8).

David’s words of praise to God from today’s passage are still powerful for us. Not only does the Lord shield us from eternal death; He also illuminates our path and strengthens us for each day. Let us hold tightly to the truth that no matter what comes our way, He remains with us.

Bible in One Year: 2 Samuel 20-22

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