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Photo by Charles F. Stanley.
Daily Devotion

The Priority of Life

When we make the kingdom of God our top priority, everything else falls into its rightful place.

June 9, 2021

Matthew 6:31-33

What is the priority of your life—the one thing around which everything else revolves? Jesus tells us that God’s kingdom and righteousness should be our highest aim. This isn’t achieved through passivity; Matthew 6:33 uses the word “seek,” which implies activity and persistence. God’s kingdom must be pursued every day, moment by moment.

Life on earth takes place amidst two opposing realms that are in constant conflict—one under the control of this world and the other under God’s kingship. To seek the Father’s kingdom is to submit to His rule over every area of our life. The bottom line is obedience.

To seek God’s righteousness means cooperating with His process of transforming us into Jesus’ image. An integral part of this process is the renewing of our mind with Scripture. The Word of God keeps the Father’s viewpoint and instructions fresh in our thinking.  

Take a moment to evaluate who or what dominates your thoughts and affections: Where do you invest time and money? What desires govern your choices? Making Christ top priority requires submission to God, obedience to His Word, and trust in His ways. And He promises to supply whatever you need in pursuing that goal (Phil. 4:19).

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