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TV Sermon

A Saving Faith

Discover what it means to truly rely upon Christ for forgiveness of sins and the gift of eternal life.

May 25, 2024

We are not born knowing how to rely upon God or understanding the importance of depending on His wisdom and strength. We must discover how to do so. Dr. Stanley explains what it means to truly rely upon Christ for the forgiveness of our sins and the gift of everlasting life.

Sermon Outline

A Saving Faith

If asked, most believers say they trust God and their faith is healthy and growing, but it is always wise to examine our- selves. In this week’s sermon, Dr. Stanley defines several different degrees of faith and how we can know where we stand in our relationship with our heavenly Father.

Key Passage: Mark 4:35-41

True faith is a gift from God. But we must learn to trust Him if we want to grow in it. What are the different kinds of faith?

Intellectual faith is ...

  • Theoretically believing something is true without proof or commitment. 

  • Thinking you are a Christian because you believe certain things about Jesus. 

Faith in God is ...

  • The confident conviction that God will fulfill His promises.

Saving faith is ...

  • Trusting in Jesus, the Son of God, for both the forgiveness of sins and eternal life.

  • Built from a personal relationship.

Different kinds of faith are seen in the Gospels:

  • No faith—The disciples showed this during the storm on the Sea of Galilee (Luke 8:23-25).

  • Little faith—In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus taught that worrying about basic needs was a sign of having little faith (Matt. 6:30).

  • Great faith—The centurion who asked Jesus to heal his servant with a word is an example of great faith (Matt. 8:10).

  • Faith failure—At times we all fall short. Peter did when he denied Jesus (Matt. 26:69-75), but even a faith failure can be redeemed when we repent (“turn back”) and grow (Luke 22:31-32).

God wants us to have great faith because ...

  • He has a plan and purpose for everyone’s life.

  • We’ll respond to Him, based on our faith.

  • If we have great faith, He can do through us what He ultimately did through the disciples.

Know the difference between intellectual faith and saving faith:

Intellectual faith is only believing facts about Jesus and His life; it cannot lead to salvation.

Many churchgoers believe they have saving faith but are deceived.

Saving faith demands a relationship with Christ, which comes about when you confess your sins, repent, and accept Him as your personal Lord and Savior.

With saving faith, the Holy Spirit comes to live within you, you have a relationship with the Father, and you are a follower of Jesus.

Intellectual faith leans on good works. Saving faith leans on Jesus.

Saving faith has a specific starting point: the moment the relationship with Jesus begins.

Repentance and faith go hand in hand. Remember that ...

  • To accept Christ’s saving grace and forgiveness for our sins also requires us to recognize and acknowledge His Lordship in our lives. We cannot simply live the way we want to.

  • No matter what we believe or where we are in our journey, the truth is that Jesus is Lord. He created all things and is in control of them. 

After Watching

Consider these thoughts and questions in response to the sermon:

  1. How would you explain to someone the difference between intellectual faith and saving faith?

  2. Do you fully acknowledge Christ’s lordship over your life, or are there areas you have yet to surrender to Him? Pray and ask Him to help you.

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